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  Function            getVolSerialNum - get Volume Serial Number
                                          (DOS 4.x)

  Syntax              boolean getVolSerialNum(int drive, unsigned long

  Prototype in        doshk.h

  Remarks             gets the Volume Serial Number for a disk determined
                      by drive, where 0=A, 1=B, etc. serialnum must be a
                      pointer to an allocated piece of memory. This
                      function only works for DOS versions 4.x and later.

  Return value        returns TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE
                      with the DOS error code in the global variable

  See also            getBootBlock(), getBootBlock4(), getBPB()

  Example             #include <doshk.h>

                           unsigned long serialnum;

                           if (getVolSerialNum(&serialnum))
                                printf("Got it: %lu",serialnum);

See Also: getBootBlock() getBootBlock4() getBPB()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson